Olá Pessoal, estou voltando aos meus posts no Blog. Nesse post coloco apenas algumas anotações sobre um assunto que estou pesquisando atualmente.
Você já ouviu falar em uma metodologia da IBM chamada ISIS?
Pois é. Trata-se de um metodologia que extende o OpenUP [1] (variação do RUP) Ontem comentaram sobre uma metodologia da IBM para desenvolvimento no Middleware de Integração.
Vejam algumas definições abaixo:
"ISIS is a tailored version of OpenUP for business rule and optimization projects. It greatly enhances the IBM ability to consistently provide great quality, and deliver projects on time and within budget. It codifies project management skills specific to business rule and optimization projects, and
supplements OpenUP with guidelines and artifacts to optimize project management and technical expertise from project to project in order to minimize project and technical risks" [2].
"IBM® ILOG Solution Implementation Standard (ISIS) is the methodology used by IBM Consultants to deliver the value customers expect from IBM ILOG software. ISIS builds on the Open Unified Process (OpenUP) to ensure that every consulting engagement is consistently managed and executed. OpenUP is an implementation of the Unified Process available through the Eclipse Foundation. By optimizing the Eclipse™ Process Framework (EPF), ISIS extends OpenUP to support the specific implementation requirements of projects based on IBM ILOG technologies for optimization or business rule management"[2].
Veja mais:
1- Comparando o RUP ao OpenUP
2- ISIS: Delivering Successful Solutions—Each and Every Time